Saturday, February 19, 2011

Love is.....

Love... such a powerful word. It can wrap its arms around you and never let go. It can warm you, from the inside out. Love can strangle you. It can build you up, and it can also tear you down. Love.

I've been very fortunate to love a man that loves *me* more than words can say. He has been by my side for almost 17 years. Yes, we have had more than our fair share of troubled times. We've had more than I can measure, of great and wonderful times. We have lived, loved, and learned, together. There are times we are inseparable, spiritually, emotionally, and even intellectually. There are also times that we need our own space. When these times present themselves, we recognize them and embrace them. We let one another know, that even tho we need our space, we will offer that helping hand, when it is needed.  We are a team. We belong. We will endure. Together. No matter what.

I have been blessed with the love of two very precious boys. My own children. I knew I loved them both, before I even met them. From the moment that *I* knew I was pregnant, I was in love. To know the love of a child is immeasurable. A child, in all his innocence, loves totally, completely, unconditionally. In my sons' eyes, I am the greatest Mommie that ever lived. There is nothing I can not do. There is no question that I do not know the answer. There is nothing too complicated, too involved, too puzzling, there simply is nothing, that I can not do. In their eyes.  That's an amazing love, amazing indeed.

I am also very lucky to know the love of a very kind and caring mother. I do not ever remember a time that my mother was not there, as an adult. I can call my Mom at almost any hour of the day, and she will answer. She will listen to me when I need to vent about my day. She will do her best, to calm me, when the stresses of everyday life seem to be more than I can bare. She laughs with me and cries with me. We celebrate birthdays together, and the latest harvest from our home grown gardens. On days when I feel that I am a complete and total failure, she offers me the most encouraging words, that reassure me she is on my side. She is my Mom, and what's more important than that, she is my friend.

So, love... as complex as it can be, it is all encompassing. Love is magical, when it is brand new. Love is necessary. Love is knowing. Love is needing. Love is not to be taken for granted.

Love is....... (you fill in the blank)

**the above photo taken by me, please do not use with out my consent**

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Everything and Nothing At All

You know... I sit here and start blogging, then erase everything because it's not witty enough, or because the words don't seem to flow the way I had anticipated them to. Blogging is hard work. So many thoughts run through my grey matter, much faster than I can eloquently put them into words.

I was going to blog about the terribly crappy day I have had... then decided I didn't want to bring you down too. For me, reading someones blog should be inspiring, not depleting.  Then, I was going to discuss friends... or those that would like to claim you as a friend, perhaps merely for numbers. Then, I thought.. hmmm.. maybe I could just rant about the things that bother me about people... I decided against all of that. Perhaps I just didn't want to bring you down, or perhaps I am fearful of who just might be reading. Either way, it happens to be MY blog, and I can steer it in any direction that I choose, right?

Do you ever get so bogged down with things you want to do, that you have a terrible time choosing what you will actually do? I get that way a lot, I think I just put too much on my plate, seemingly forgetting that there are only 24 hours in any given day, and that I MUST sleep for at least 6 of them.

I want to take my children to the local Children's Museum, and the zoo this week, as well as meet friends for the ever elusive "socializing".  We were to go to a large Valentines Party with a different set of homeschool friends, but the Hubs and I decided that we shouldn't take the chance of getting sick again. Something about being sick for an entire month can scare that right in to you.

I'm so ready for spring. I'm ready to put my hands in the earth, and feel the coolness of the nutrient rich soil. I'm ready to breathe in nature, and breathe out stress. I'm ready for my ideas, and my children to blossom with the growing gardens. I am so ready to be done with the grey dullness that is winter. At least this week is a gorgeous one. I'm thankful for that. We shall get out in nature, and explore the majestic wonders that Mother Nature provides, all seasons of the year.

So, instead of stressing over what I should write, I decided to just let the thoughts flow... and this is the result.

**above photo taken by me, please do not use without my consent.