Friday, January 14, 2011

The bathtub... that's the place where I get my best thinking accomplished. It's quiet, the boys leave me in peace, for the most part... I can make phone calls to friends that I've been meaning to call for far too long. I can listen to the radio, and even read a book or magazine. I can enjoy a glass of wine, a glass of ice water, or even iced tea... I can listen, and I can think.

I once decided I just didn't have room in my heart to listen to the news, as it was all so devastating, and there was nothing positive IN the news, so why bother bringing myself down.. so I swore off the news for about a year.  As of late, I have started listening to the news again.. its a nice hour in the mornings, that I get to share with my Hubs. We watch CNN, drink our coffee, and discuss the events in the news. We mostly see eye to eye, but occasionally there is something we butt horns over.

Today, I see in the news... "they" have decided that there is a 13th zodiac sign. So for 2000 years, there have been 12 signs of the zodiac... suddenly, "they" reintroduce Ophiuchus, and explain to us, that its because of the earths rotation. I'm not sure about you, but I am what I am, and that's what I will always be.... Taurus, the bull.. and I live up to every single trait of that zodiac sign. If they want to change things up, how about eliminate Monday.. or perhaps make it part of the weekend,.. or even make it so that spring and autumn last about a month longer.. that would be real progress.. not this changing of the stars.. First it was Pluto, now this.. seriously folks.. think about it.

Another thing I have been thinking about, is being politically correct. No, I don't mean I have thought about ME being politically correct, because, well, I'm not. I try to be polite, but that's a far cry from being politically correct. As I have said, I am what I am.. and I call it like I see it.. whether or not I choose to tell YOU how I see it, at that time, is a different story.. that's being polite.  Take this latest blow to American History, for instance. The fact that "they" are rewriting Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn, simply because it contains the "N" word over 200 times. I think if "they" are going to do that, then perhaps they should just wash out all the ugly parts of our history.. lets rewrite everything, so that our world is a prettier color. Give me a freakin' break!!

Of course, I don't ALWAYS think about what goes on in the news. I also think about what I need to do. What I WANT to do. Then, as if by some strange twist of fate, or perhaps the earth's rotation, reality hits me, and then its time to get out of the tub.

**above photo taken by me, please do not use with out my consent.