I have always heard that the older one gets, the faster the years seem to go...
I believe that to be a true statement.
It's hard to believe that here we are, almost an entire month into the New Year, 2014.Every year, is another chance to grow, and learn.
So what did I learn last year?
I learned that "seasons" for a television show are really too short.
I have learned that, as hard as I try, I still can not make gravy... well, at least not the edible type.
I have learned that time is valuable and that the first sip of coffee is just as invigorating as the last....as long as it's hot.
Nature is all encompassing..... even in the city.
Camping helps to breathe new life into your soul...and grows your appreciation for insect repellent.
The best things in life, truly are free..... trying to explain that to your mortgage company is a different story.
Hard work really does pay off.... until your oh so clever husband shows you an easier way.
Just because something is "one size fits all", doesn't mean it should be tested.
$500.00 can buy a lot of things..... and apparently a months worth of air conditioning, in the south.
You really can do anything you set your mind to... except fly.
Laughter really is the best medicine..... unless you are in the bathroom.....alone.
Pajamas are appropriate attire..... for Walmart, apparently.
True friends are rare....and so is cheap gasoline.
Air fresheners really make your home feel happy....unless the dog just passed gas....no air freshener can hide that.
Having a sense of humor is paramount. ...especially at the DMV...and the gynecologist.
Political conversations always end poorly.... unless there's a punchline. (bah-dum-dum)
I'm truly looking forward to learning more in 2014.
Awesome. However, I still believe pjs should stay home. :)