Monday, May 5, 2014

Set Another Place This Thanksgiving

Where to begin...... I guess I could tell you that it dates back to the beginning fo February 2014.

Then fast forward to March 11, and a hiking trip with my mother and the boys. 40 acre rock is where we went. The 8yo and I hiked down to a waterfall and back up. I was more than winded. I couldn't seem to catch by breath, and was looking around for a respirator. I knew that I wasn't THIS out of shape. I realize that we spent a good bit of the winter indoors, but I had been hooping, so keeping up my "fitness" even on the days when we didn't get outside.

Something was up, and I had a pretty good idea what it was.

On the way home I stopped by CVS and picked up a few things, and headed home. After dinner, I decided that I would investigate a little more. One trip to the lady's room, and a very emphatic, "son of a monkey" later... there it was. Clear as day. ....

We're going to have a baby.

I went to the kitchen to grab the Hubs, and bring him to my new found discovery. He put on his reading glasses and read the directions several times, and in a very matter of fact tone, determined the test was faulty. I explained to this dear sweet man that you don't get false positives with these things, but I'll take another one first thing in the morning.

With sleep still in my eyes, and knowing what the result was going to be before I even got started, I took another test. Yep. Positive. Wow.

But... but... but... we were happy with our family of four. We were okay with it being just our two boys. Not to mention that *I* was DONE having babies. Now, George on the other hand, would have 10 kids running around if he had his way, but me? No way man, I had a real bad case of the OH HELL NO'S.

God had other plans.

I'm sure He is up there laughing.

We are now heading into our second trimester, and have had the appropriate genetic tests completed and are awaiting those results. So far, other than constant morning sickness and a little bit of low iron, things are going great! The boys are excited to have a new addition to our little family, and everyone is hoping and praying for a little girl. (No one is praying harder than me tho!)

Think Pink! Think glitter and tutus!

I will be honest, it took a while for it to really sink in with me, and for the shock to wear off, because I was content with just the fellas. I know that God has His hand in this, and that if He leads you to it, He will lead you through it. I have faith that everything will be wonderful and our new bundle of love will be healthy and bring us more joy than we ever anticipated.

Becker- Party of FIVE!

Our due date is November 8.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

What 2013 Taught Me....

I have always heard that the older one gets, the faster the years seem to go...

I believe that to be a true statement.

It's hard to believe that here we are, almost an entire month into the New Year, 2014.Every year, is another chance to grow, and learn.

So what did I learn last year?

I learned that "seasons" for a television show are really too short.

I have learned that, as hard as I try, I still can not make gravy... well, at least not the edible type.

I have learned that time is valuable and that the first sip of coffee is just as invigorating as the long as it's hot.

Nature is all encompassing..... even in the city.

Camping helps to breathe new life into your soul...and grows your appreciation for insect repellent.

The best things in life, truly are free..... trying to explain that to your mortgage company is a different story.

Hard work really does pay off.... until your oh so clever husband shows you an easier way.

Just because something is "one size fits all", doesn't mean it should be tested.

$500.00 can buy a lot of things..... and apparently a months worth of air conditioning, in the south.

You really can do anything you set your mind to... except fly.

Laughter really is the best medicine..... unless you are in the bathroom.....alone.

Pajamas are appropriate attire..... for Walmart, apparently.

True friends are rare....and so is cheap gasoline.

Air fresheners really make your home feel happy....unless the dog just passed air freshener can hide that.

Having a sense of humor is paramount. ...especially at the DMV...and the gynecologist. 

Political conversations always end poorly.... unless there's a punchline.  (bah-dum-dum)

I'm truly looking forward to learning more in 2014.